Peter Gillies
Artist and Studio Manager
Originally from the Southside of Loch Ness, currently based in Glasgow.
Founder of Artists Studios’ ‘Department A‘ in 2017, a contemporary art studio home to the practices of 20 artists.
Producing artwork inspired by the natural landscape, in particular trees. Using Sumi Inks, Gansai Watercolor, Acrylics, Oils, with personal techniques.

Department A
In 2017 I founded a shared contemporary art studio/workspace in an old School in the Eastend of Glasgow. Which was built in 1891.
The floor is divided into 20 artists’ spaces with large shared workspaces.
It’s a learning environment with the aim to enable the artists to become self-sufficient and develop through access and instruction to the studios’ equipment.
Beyond my skills and knowledge which is shared the collective skills base of the 20 artists in the studio provides an expansive bank of experience.
We have a framer based below the studio and I build secure shipping crates to ship work around the world.
Equipment :
- Iron Bridge Relief Printing Press
- Full Sheet Workbench
- Hand Tools
- Power Tools
- Track Saw
- Miter Saw
- Drills
- Photography
- Reference Library (visual & sonic)
- Fully Accessible