June 9th, 2023 – Country Music Record Box

Country Music Record Box

So it has been two years since my first show. If slow podcasting isn’t a thing already then I think that’s what this might be. I love the whole idea of doing these shows based on ‘job lot’ vinyl collections, but it’s entirely dependent on the frequency of suitable finds! There can be long periods between me picking these collections up, they arrive as they want to it seems.

I’ve got a few in the pipeline now so the next few shows are ready to be recorded. So hopefully not another two years before episode three! I’m also going by DJ Giant Steps for these shows, mostly because I take big giant steps with my lanky long legs.

This time I bought a box of ‘old country records’, a dampish old loft box that looked like it had been in dank storage for a long time. The vinyl was very heavily stained with nicotine grime. The covers very tatty and torn. Many of these albums are early 60’s so the paper is 50 years old. But despite the clear heavy usage and handling the records once cleaned up were in fair condition, so they had been well used but looked after aside from the smoke. I generally don’t mind a crackle as the albums are there to be played and have been played. Any noise is a unique part of the copy that you are listening to.

Around November/December, I saw an online ad for a box of country music located in Moodiesburn, about half an hour outside of Glasgow. The collection turned out to have enough names and clues on the sleeves that I could build a story around the collection. I recorded the show in January 2023 and it was played on Clyde Built Radio on Sunday 4th June 2023.

You can listen to it here. This is imaginative listening, the story is fictitious based on how I read the information of the record collection, and I’m using the (real) first names.

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