November 13th, 2011 – Dunkeld Preparations

It has been a crazy week with Dunkeld preparations.

  • Monday afternoon got back to Edinburgh.  Slept the rest of the day, completely broken from Strathpeffer.
  • Tuesday workshop, 3 items made.
  • Wednesday workshop, 2 items were made. 🙁 really unmotivated.
  • Thursday… being that I have a fair on Saturday I really need to make something! Workshop motivational day!
  1. 12 pm Bought a new sheet of white creamy glass to paint on & a moss-green & a streaky brown to the border.
  2. Worked till 6 pm painting when the Kiln was full and ready to go.  Put the kiln on & went home for food.
  3. 10 pm returned to the studio and did a second round of painting.  Things look great, best painting yet!
  4. 1 am ready to do the second fire, got halfway to temperature, and ran out of gas.
  6. Abandoned studio at 2 am.
  • Friday 7 am studio.  No gas is available till Monday.  Crisis because I only have 14 items in my stock box.
  1. 9 am moment of clarity, using the small gas bottle from the soldering iron on the old small kiln to do my final fire. Yes, plan!
  2. Assembly day.
  3. 10 pm Home and asleep.
  • Saturday
  1. 3 am.  Studio, made 4 items. Box total 20 items, I’m happy with that & what I made. Some wicked painting happened on Thursday night.
  2. 5 am Box pack and load up the trolley.
  3. 6.30 am train leaves for Dunkeld.
  4. 8.30 arrived in Dunkeld, fair finished at 5 pm.
  5. Got a fortunate lift home to Edinburgh, home for 7 pm.
  6. 8.45 pm writing this, I am so tired!

All again tomorrow……  maybe not a 3 am start, I think it’s a 9-ish train so semi-lie-in.

Photos from the mission.  Mostly out of the train window.

My Trolley loaded up for the show waiting in the train station.
View of the Firth from the Train at dawn.
View of the Firth from the Train at dawn.
View from the Train at dawn of blurred trees and buildings.
  • Sunday…
  1. 9.30 Train to Dunkeld, nothing to carry bar a laptop so it’s a pleasant journey. Slept well last night.
  2. 11.20 Arrived at the show.
  3. Finished at 5 pm, someone can take my light box back up north for me & the remainder glass stock so I’ve got a light trolley back to Edinburgh.
  4. 6.20 pm Train …… 1 change in Sterling to a fortunately delayed train that I could catch….
  5. 9.30 Arrived in the flat, that journey was hellish.  3 hours!!!!
  6. 9.32 Opened a bottle of Bons Ventos red wine, reward! Put the fire on.  Put feet up.
A dark and cold platform of Dunkeld station.

A woman on the train asked me across a very busy carriage what it was I had (in reference to the trolley). I thought she just meant the trolley itself, not “what’s attached to the trolley”?…..

Ahhh “it’s my table I say, we go on adventures”.  This statement may appear slightly crazy to the other passengers. Some guy in a 70’s Tweed number takes a Bamboo table around on trains going on what he calls adventures…….

4 thoughts on “November 13th, 2011 – Dunkeld Preparations

    1. peterjgillies Post author

      cheers angela, ive been really enjoying taking shots out the train window. It sure passes the miles and maybe I focus more on the scenery. it becomes more of a game / challenge. Ive been finding myslef alone in the stations a lot, being on the first train out in the morning, its a great time to muck about taking photos, I saw a really drunk guy I wanted to get a shot of sleeping but i couldnt be sure he was sleeping so thought better of it. Its gotta be B&W all the way, everything looks cool that way.

    1. peterjgillies Post author

      Thanks Bh, a lady on the train today asked we what was on the trolley (it was my bamboo folding table) and i told her what it was and that I took it on adventures. That may of sounded a little crazy to the other passengers. !! Ha inspire the madness. I think i should write an ode to my trolley……

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