“Eleven” – Acrylic Ink & Black Acrylic Paint on canvas. 40x40inches
I really liked this painting & am very much looking forward to seeing it reproduced in print. This was the first painting to not contain foliage/branches/leaves. More focused on the forest floor level. It was also created using just two colors, black acrylic paint, and acrylic ink. The white of the birch tree was achieved by masking off the original white of the canvas at the start of the painting. The follow-up to this painting was “Thirteen” posted previously where I used the tree shadows to give more depth, but there is something about the two-dimensional vibe in this one that I really like.
In the run-up to my brand-new website going live, I am posting a series of images (old & new) that are available to buy as prints in a selection of sizes and formats. Please see the Facebook page 🙂